We are all born into death and what we do between birth and death, we call our lives. Is it no wonder that some of us when we pass away are afforded the opportunity for someone to say some parting remarks about our lives?
From the moment we take our first breath, until the time we take our last breath, death awaits us whether we acknowledge it or not. Very much in the same way, that we breath without thought of it, death inhabits us, just as life inhabits us.
We neither know the time or the moment of when this cohabitation with death will take us to the other side, no more than we know when this cohabitation with life, will cease to be. We take our first breath at birth and the next breath that comes thereafter, is a luxury still.
So, we go through life trying to forget that we were born into death and forgetting for the most part that death is with us, just like our breath is with us. Some of us try to do all that we can do in the time that we have, while others of us, do what we may and are clueless to our own finiteness.
We don't dwell on death no more than we dwell on breathing, yet for many of us, we mark our time on this Earth by celebrating our lives, by acknowledging the day we were born with a birthday party. Our birthdays can be a measure of how far we've come and perhaps how far we may have to go, based on our individual definitions of what we deem important in our lives. For some of us, that may mean a relationship with the cosmos, religion, education, an individual or our finances. We each start out in life seeking to define our lives based on what we know about life, all the while, acknowledging our birthdays and the passage of time. So, why is time so important for many of us?
Time is important for many of us, and for the clueless, time really doesn't matter. Time rules everything in our existence, from the time of one's birth, to the time of one's death. How is that time is elevated to an importance that equals breathing? Time is here before our births and time is here even as you read this text, and time will be here long after we all take our last breath. Time is the greatest judge we will all come to know! It is because of time that most of us go about our lives the way we do. Some of us are moving at warp speed through life, but light years away from inhabiting the moment. We are essentially taking a Ferrari to our own funeral and the sad part is, we're actually arriving too early.
If, it were up to me, I'd take a Yugoslavian Yugo to my funeral and hope that it breaks down along the way more than a few times. I'm in no hurry to die young or at all for that matter, but because we were all born into death and I am part of that "all," I have come to accept that death is inevitable, but I try not to dwell on it, like I'm doing here.
After all, when you die, who is going to be at your funeral? I haven't a clue, but I know one thing for sure-I'll be there. Whether or not anyone else shows up, I will never know, but one thing I do know is, time waits for no one and time can not be contained or controlled. If it could, we would all harness time and use it, like the "Fountain of Youth," and buy ourselves more of it.
So, if we are good, we will go to Heaven or crossover to the other side with a more prosperous life than the one we lived, and if, we were bad, well, that's when we are reunited with our friends who were also bad, in that place where we are told there is no air conditioning. Heck, who needs air conditioning when you've got a sauna.
I believe that everyone deep down inside is a good person, although it may not be so readily apparent on the surface. So, I go through life treating everyone like I wish to be treated and my actions, as best as others have observed, prove that I'm a swell guy, whatever that means?
The problem is not with me being a good or swell guy, but the belief that if, you do good, you go to Heaven. Well, I try my best to do good, so I want to go to Heaven, but I don't want to die in order to get there!
So, like many of you, I wish I could say to heck with death and the heck with time, but time is the reason why all of us get up in the morning or whenever you get up. Time is the reason we do whatever it is that we do, so that we can say, we did it or say, it's done. It's sad really, but true, if, it wasn't for death, time would not have any relevance whatsoever in our lives, because we would have time to do anything and all that we wish to do. It is because of death, that we are conscious of time, even when we try not to be, because death, validates time! It is because of death, that time is elevated to the essence of our being. We are nothing and no one until time has acknowledge us all in birth and we spend our days and nights on this Earth trying to capture, control, contain and elude time.
From the moment we take our first breath, until the time we take our last breath, death awaits us whether we acknowledge it or not. Very much in the same way, that we breath without thought of it, death inhabits us, just as life inhabits us.
We neither know the time or the moment of when this cohabitation with death will take us to the other side, no more than we know when this cohabitation with life, will cease to be. We take our first breath at birth and the next breath that comes thereafter, is a luxury still.
So, we go through life trying to forget that we were born into death and forgetting for the most part that death is with us, just like our breath is with us. Some of us try to do all that we can do in the time that we have, while others of us, do what we may and are clueless to our own finiteness.
We don't dwell on death no more than we dwell on breathing, yet for many of us, we mark our time on this Earth by celebrating our lives, by acknowledging the day we were born with a birthday party. Our birthdays can be a measure of how far we've come and perhaps how far we may have to go, based on our individual definitions of what we deem important in our lives. For some of us, that may mean a relationship with the cosmos, religion, education, an individual or our finances. We each start out in life seeking to define our lives based on what we know about life, all the while, acknowledging our birthdays and the passage of time. So, why is time so important for many of us?
Time is important for many of us, and for the clueless, time really doesn't matter. Time rules everything in our existence, from the time of one's birth, to the time of one's death. How is that time is elevated to an importance that equals breathing? Time is here before our births and time is here even as you read this text, and time will be here long after we all take our last breath. Time is the greatest judge we will all come to know! It is because of time that most of us go about our lives the way we do. Some of us are moving at warp speed through life, but light years away from inhabiting the moment. We are essentially taking a Ferrari to our own funeral and the sad part is, we're actually arriving too early.
If, it were up to me, I'd take a Yugoslavian Yugo to my funeral and hope that it breaks down along the way more than a few times. I'm in no hurry to die young or at all for that matter, but because we were all born into death and I am part of that "all," I have come to accept that death is inevitable, but I try not to dwell on it, like I'm doing here.
After all, when you die, who is going to be at your funeral? I haven't a clue, but I know one thing for sure-I'll be there. Whether or not anyone else shows up, I will never know, but one thing I do know is, time waits for no one and time can not be contained or controlled. If it could, we would all harness time and use it, like the "Fountain of Youth," and buy ourselves more of it.
So, if we are good, we will go to Heaven or crossover to the other side with a more prosperous life than the one we lived, and if, we were bad, well, that's when we are reunited with our friends who were also bad, in that place where we are told there is no air conditioning. Heck, who needs air conditioning when you've got a sauna.
I believe that everyone deep down inside is a good person, although it may not be so readily apparent on the surface. So, I go through life treating everyone like I wish to be treated and my actions, as best as others have observed, prove that I'm a swell guy, whatever that means?
The problem is not with me being a good or swell guy, but the belief that if, you do good, you go to Heaven. Well, I try my best to do good, so I want to go to Heaven, but I don't want to die in order to get there!
So, like many of you, I wish I could say to heck with death and the heck with time, but time is the reason why all of us get up in the morning or whenever you get up. Time is the reason we do whatever it is that we do, so that we can say, we did it or say, it's done. It's sad really, but true, if, it wasn't for death, time would not have any relevance whatsoever in our lives, because we would have time to do anything and all that we wish to do. It is because of death, that we are conscious of time, even when we try not to be, because death, validates time! It is because of death, that time is elevated to the essence of our being. We are nothing and no one until time has acknowledge us all in birth and we spend our days and nights on this Earth trying to capture, control, contain and elude time.
Time is like the air we breath, it is plentiful and precious until we take it for granted. It's only when we don't have enough of it or any of it, that we distress
ourselves with it. Enjoy every breath you breathe as if, it were your last and relish in the minutes that make up the hours that pass you by in the company of family and well-meaning friends, so that your days that are numbered become countless blessings of a life worth living.
ourselves with it. Enjoy every breath you breathe as if, it were your last and relish in the minutes that make up the hours that pass you by in the company of family and well-meaning friends, so that your days that are numbered become countless blessings of a life worth living.