Friday, December 10, 2010
Filipinas In America
There are many Filipinas in America. Most Filipinas in America are not what most Traditional American Men are looking for. Many Filipinas in America were either born in America or came to America by way of a State Department of The United States Visa Category, such as Fiance, Spousal or Labor Certification-based Work Visa, such as Nursing. There are some Filipinas who came to America on a Visitor Visa and never returned to Philippines, but that is not the subject of this article.
It has been my personal experience of over many decades living in the Philippines and Abroad and from what I have observed, that there are more than a minority of Filipinas who get married with no intention of staying with their husbands. Most of these particular Filipinas are just looking for a way to better themselves and the question that I get asked often is, “Can you blame them?” I will leave that answer up to those who are in a relationship with a Filipina or contemplating a relationship with a Filipina.
This brief article will deal with some of the consequences from my own personal experiences and from that of which I have observed with friends and family members who are in a relationship with a Filipina. My observations have shown me that there is a minority of Filipinas who stay with their husbands once they reach their home countries over a decade after marrying a Filipina and it doesn’t mater whether they were married in the Philippines or in their home country.
The Filipinas who stayed together with their husbands even after a decade of marriage are rare and from my experience not the norm from what I have observed. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong places or in the wrong directions, but the fact remains, more than a few Filipinas just start by being unfaithful, ungrateful and unappreciative of their husbands about two years prior to actually walking out one day without even saying goodbye or giving a reason for such a dramatic withdrawal.
The truth is hard pill to swallow and I experience this myself after repeated and exhaustive attempts to work things out over a three year period, but my other half, just got bolder and bolder with her blatant displays of infidelity that I could no longer deny the truth. I have observed this behavior from the Filipina wives of friends and family and the result was always the same, their Filipina wife, just left without so much as giving a reason.
Do I still want to be in a relationship with a Filipina, some of you may ask? I would like to be in a relationship with any woman who knows and understand what loyalty is and is willing to build a relationship that is enduringly a lifetime commitment. So, yes, I would like to think that I can find a Filipina who is not predetermined to leave me, even before she commits, because English is easy to say, but it doesn’t have any meaning unless it is backed up with action.
Some Filipinas who are in will be influenced by their American friends, both male and female and other Filipinas who have been influenced by America propaganda and Hollywood. What passes for morality and ethics on television and Hollywood, often times passes for education of what being an American is all about for more than a few Filipinas and that is just the beginning of the friction between them.
I guess the answer some of you may come to an conclusion with is to not get married to a Filipina, but that wouldn’t be my answer. Clearly, this could happen to any man, irrespective to what nationality his wife is from, but since we are concerning ourselves with Filipinas, we just give our opinion about some Filipinas. There are lovely ladies from the Filipinas who would be perfect for any man, but the challenge is to find that one Filipina who is, what she said she is and her actions prove her out.
A decade or so before I got married to a Filipina, my well-meaning friends advised me against marrying the Filipina that I was in love with. I followed my heart and 16 years later and a fortune later, they were right. She took every dime I had and left me penniless and in poor health and then just up and walked out on me one day after a two year affair with a personal injury lawyer who handled her divorce against me.
I watched her swear to God on a Bible to tell the truth in divorce court and her answer to the Judge, started with a lie and ended with a lie, and she professed to be a Christian. So, what I’m saying is that I’m not mad at her because when I met her and her family, they had nothing and I mean nothing! No running water, no electricity, no house, no toilet, nothing!
Being the Christian that I am, I provided for her and her family, her sisters and brothers and a few properties, a house with fine furniture and appliances later, paid for the Nursing School of her sister and brother and set her mother up in business and brought a farm for her father. I gave her everything she asked for and things she didn’t ask for and one day, when she couldn’t get anything more from me financially, she just walked out and sued me for support in divorce court.
As I stated earlier, I’m not mad at her, she was doing what her parents taught her to do and it was the unconditional love that I had for her that allowed her to receive so much from me and my family. Now, she has gone on to drain some other schmuck of his fortune and his dreams and all I can say to her is, “more power to you.”
There is someone for everyone and it took me sometime to figure that she wasn’t the one for me, but my heart wouldn’t let me rationalize on what was going on, because I loved her more than I loved myself and after while, I didn’t even remember who I was. I had given her so much time, attention and affection that I smoldered the love. When she left, I was devastated, but that devastation was the first step to being reborn.
Some Filipinas will take you for a ride and some Filipinas will ride with you on this journey called Life and that is the Filipina that you want to get with. You want someone who is deserving of your time, your attention and your heart and our Heavenly Father, would have no less. So, take your time and go slow and when the right Filipina or woman comes along, you’ll be ready.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Meaning Of Self
Why must my tomorrows lead to yesterday? Why must today reaffirm my presence? So much life, so much living yet I don't feel alive. Numb to my very own heartbeat, I can no longer feel for another. Must I become what I am?" Excerpt from The Book of Curthom
self awareness,
self confidence,
self esteem,
self help,
self improvement
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Truth and Consequences of The Third Party In A Relationship
No amount of apologizing will console a shattered heart, that is bleeding with trust issues as hemorrhagic as any wound. The intrigues of another sets in when the third party becomes a part of your relationship, whether willingly or unwillingly, some emotional baggage is being handled, every time your partner divulges the intimacy of your relationship with the opposite sex.
Affairs often ensue with the third person who you were privy with the most secretive of details that were once reserved for your partner. Once a third party knows your most intimate desires and weakness, they often use that to their advantage to destroy the bond between a couple and infidelity becomes as second nature as lying to your partner.
The excuses and sudden changes in behavior become detectable not only to your partner, but your friends as well. Each trying to disguise what is morally wrong, while at the same time, basking in its lust. The emotional attachment to the third person becomes an obstacle to the couple’s relationship, but the partner vested in affair, relishes the excitement of doing what they want when they want, while falsely trying to hang on to their partner’s concern.
Soon the third person occupies not only the mind of your partner, but their heart also and their body, is just one of the benefits. It doesn’t matter to the person involved with the third person, whether the relationship is emotional or sexual, but it does matter deeply to the partner who is being cheated of the empathy and intimacy their missing.
It may be the willing ear to listen, the mystery of sex with someone else who does things , your partner would consider deviant or the mystery of trying to hide it all from your partner, that drives some partners to cheat, but ultimately, infidelity almost always destroys trust and the absence of trust, fatally destroys relationships.
Even in the most heated and passionate relationships come to a lull where each person feels less than appealing to their partners and if both partners don’t find a way to reignite the interest that they once had with one another, enter the third person. What does it take to keep your partner interested in you? The same things you did to capture their attention and their heart, but deliver those things in a mysterious and unpredictable manner, so there is excitement when it happens.
In today’s fast moving society, men and women interact frequently in the work place and other arenas, so there is amble opportunity to encounter the third person. Be careful who you share your relationship secrets with, because the willing listener often becomes your lover. You can blame on the alcohol or your desire or your loneliness, but it is still betrayal if you are in a relationship with someone else.
Who you chose and how you decide when you allow yourself to be seduced by the third person, may very well determine the outcome of your relationship and your life. Do you want to be the third person in someone else’s relationship? If, you’re not careful with your relationship, you could very well find yourself in just such a situation.
Your partner could express their refusal to tolerate your behavior and leave you. You just may find that your partner is not afraid to get up and leave and make a life for themselves without you. Is that what you want?
Here is what it takes to keep the third person out of your relationship.
The very reason you are in a relationship with your partner is because there was something about them that made you want to be with them. Rediscover what that was, but don’t be afraid to be yourself. That is don’t be afraid to be you, whatever that means and however you expressed yourself and your passion before meeting your partner. Revisit that person and be that person. Do you and be you, but it with your partner and help them to find it within themselves to be themselves.
Couples like when their partner is somewhat mysterious and unpredictable with them. Surprise your mate and let them know that you appreciate them now and forever by doing something that they like unexpectedly and be genuine in your approach. Do it because you care enough to see them happy enjoying the pleasure that you bring to the relationship.
Don’t get bogged down in the drudgery of getting too use to one another. Voice your opinion, but do it with a sense of wanting to be understood and appreciated and not from a viewpoint of confrontation or being right. Let your partner know how you feel about the things that they do, for better or worse and that you are concerned about the outcome of their actions. Make every day, one that paints positive and pleasant memories of your life together and the third person becomes someone you only read about. There is no greater intimacy than the essence that two people share when the love they share is expressed in a way, that makes every waking moment, a thought of each other.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Challenges of Memory & Chinese
I think for most foreigners trying to learn a language that is different than their own, we struggle with trying to speak like a native in the beginning only to imitate someone who may be trying too hard. I remember decades ago when I first started learning Chinese, my instructor was a woman and in my Western way of thinking, I was afraid that if I studied too long with her, that I might speak Chinese like a woman instead of like a Chinese man. How silly I was for thinking like that, looking back in hindsight.
Something as simple as getting the word order correct in Chinese proved to be something that many of us get wrong, without really thinking about it. When you’re thinking in your native language, its very easy to embed your native language's grammar upon the language you’re trying to learn, rather than just accepting what seems unconventional as conventional.
For example, In Chinese Culture, the family name or last name comes first, showing reverence and respect for the family. Even when you address someone with a title or honorific in Chinese, the tendency is to put the title or honorific before the person’s name, rather than the proper way in Chinese and that is after the person’s name, such as Lee Jin Professor or Lee Jin Laoshi. Another example is Ms. Wei Jian or Wei Jian Xiao Jie.
When I’m living in East Asia and South East Asia, I am always amazed at how much I’m understood and misunderstood when I spoke Chinese. When I’m in Beijing or Shanghai, I’m mostly understood, but when I’m in Kuming or Hong Kong in the South, I’m mostly misunderstood.
Most of the Chinese that I’m in the company of here when I visit the United States predominately come from Southern China, so I’m often misunderstood, except of course when I encounter someone from Fujian Province. I noticed that a fair number of folks that run the Chinese Buffets here in America are from Fujian Province.
I studied Chinese (Mandarin) for more than six years in Boston and got to practice it in the local Chinatown where the majority of people spoke Cantonese. You can imagine how that went over. My Chinese was enough to get a decent meal, but because Mandarin and Cantonese when spoken is so very different, the meals I got were unusual and exciting if not expensive sometimes. Most of the time, I didn’t know what I was eating, so long as it was warm and not moving on the plate or in the bowl.
That experience in the local Chinatowns of Boston and New York, taught me to pay more attention in class and listen more intently when my Taiwanese girlfriend at the time instructed me to the point of frustration to pay more attention. I think if China hadn’t fired those missiles from their mainland over Quemoy, off the Taiwan Straits in the Spring of 1996, she and I would still be together. She went home rather abruptly to Taiwan, fearing for her family there during this missile crisis and the presidential elections run-up, effectively ending my one-on-one mentoring in Chinese.
I moved to Hong Kong for awhile, I don’t know why exactly, but maybe it was to be close to my girlfriend, after all, she never told me that we were breaking up, only that she had to go back to Taiwan in a hurry, because of the things China was doing. I lived in the Wan Chai and Central area of Hong Kong and later I moved to Kowloon and the Mid-Level area near University of Hong Kong Library Annex, whittling my time away reading Chinese Philosophy and looking for the next business venture.
The days languished into weeks and the weeks into months and I found myself learning less and less Mandarin Chinese and more and more British English and Cantonese. I finally grew to accept the fact that my girlfriend was no longer my girlfriend and that I had to move on with my life. Weeks later I moved to the Philippines to settle in the Makati City area near Pasig River.
My Chinese language lessons stopped for a while when I lost my Taiwanese girlfriend, so I begun concentrating on the languages around me in the Manila area and they were Tagalog and Iloconos. I approached my Tagalog lessons half-halfheartedly, but eventually learned enough to get around and enjoy my stay in the Philippines until one day, I heard that my father wasn’t well and that I should come at once to the States.
Back in the Southern United States, life seemed amazingly boring compared to the life in Asia. I missed the daily haggling over prices in an attempt to get a bargain and here in the States, pretty much everything was fixed priced and bargaining was discouraged or non-existence in most places. Also, I missed the people of Asia, where there wasn't even a hint of privacy because you’re always surrounded by so many people eeking out a living for themselves. I spent my time wrestling with my father’s condition, Alzheimer and while in the States, flunked my flight physical. The horrors of my service in the Army had finally caught up with me. I had Agent Orange Related-cancers, compliments of my time in the military during the Vietnam Conflict Era. Remember, Congress never declared the whole Vietnam debacle a war, so benefits were limited if any, when it was all over. It’s amazing how dealing with the Veteran’s Affairs Office is more combative than any war I could have fought.
On a good day, when the 48 pills and 5 syringe injections that I take each day, permit me to make sense of what’s going on around me, I wrestle with my memory trying not to lose myself. My Chinese sounds really strange now that I’m back in the States for a few months. Most of the people that I meet that speak Chinese, speak Fujian, which is in Southern China, but close to the language of Taiwan. Taiwan has lots of Fujian people and ancestors, so it’s no surprise it’s easy for me to understand, remember my first tutor and ex-girlfriend was from Taiwan?
After so many decades, I’m fluent in eight local Chinese languages and of course the “People’s Language,” Mandarin. For those of you learning Chinese for the first time, get yourself a Chinese girlfriend or if that isn’t possible, a good text book such as “Gwoyeu Romatzyh,” which will put the Chinese characters into a Romanticized character that most English speakers are accustomed to. “Gwoyeu Romatzyh” is the English-character equivalent to Pinyin in the West.
For multimedia aids, I recommend the Paul Pimsleur Audio lessons in Chinese and the Rosetta Stone Series in Chinese. The Pimsleur Audio Lessons are affordable for most, but many will find the Rosetta Stone Video Chinese Series, very expensive. Both are worth the price if you’re serious about learning Chinese, but can’t hire a Chinese teacher or visit a Chinese speaking country right away, but still want to learn Chinese. My advice for beginners of Chinese is don’t get so hung up on the tones when you start out, it will only frustrate you and discourage you from learning Chinese. In time, you’ll get used to the correct way of pronouncing familiar gestures and before you know it, you’ll be speaking very good Chinese. Practice makes it easier of course, especially if you can practice several times a week and as always, I believe that boots on the ground, arriving in China, Taiwan, Singapore or a large Chinatown, is the best way to learn to speak Chinese. Best wishes and enjoy the Chinese culture.
Chinese buffets,
Chinese language,
Hong Kong,
learning Chinese,
Mandarin Chinese,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
"I got married, but a wife didn't come with it. She verbally consented to marry me, but her heart was with someone else. Her heart didn't permit her to bond with me and so, in time, she never did. As the months became years and the years past, a decade later, she reinforced what I already knew, I got married, but a wife didn't come with it." Excerpt from the Book of Curthom
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Disability Is Not For The Faint Of Heart
When you have a permanent disability, your presence among those who knew you before you became disabled, changes dramatically. I think that mostly, it has something to do with your presence. A presence that reminds most people of their fragility of being human and most don't want to be reminded of that by having you around.
Disability is always with you and even on those few days when you feel good, the number of pills that you have to take and/or the injections by syringe that you administer, reminds you that all is not well. You one day, finally come to terms with your disability, for sanity's sake but you never feel whole again. The relationships that you had before your disability, become a thing of the past and the memories, sometimes as corrosive as any acid.
The one's who once expressed love for you, well, many become distant strangers and those few who you do see sometimes, reluctantly remind you that you can't do this or that you can't do that, so you keep your distance from them too. You find yourself enveloped in a cocoon of deceit, by so many people around you, who offer a superficial smile, while trying to hold back their disgust of your situation.
You reserve yourself to your time by yourself, hoping that when you feel good that day, that you can commit to something briefly with the hopes of finishing, just one small task, but the challenges of remembering what that task was, when you pause, leaves it unfinished and you clueless. So, nothing meaningful gets done and everything meaningful, is forgotten. The ones you once loved deeply, are just an allusion of all that love once represented.
So, you persevere hoping that you'll live long enough one day to take advantage of any medical discoveries or medical advances, that may be relevant to your condition. Meanwhile, the absentmindedness, pain and the suffering continues and so too does the reality of it all.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Allow Me To Introduce MySelf
Hello! You don’t know me, but maybe you would like to know me?
I don’t know, but maybe you can find out by reading this short letter about me. I find myself putting myself on this site in hopes of finding someone like-minded like myself.
I know that there are many perceptions about the people who do this sort of thing, putting their information online in hopes of meeting someone who is as serious as they are about meeting someone who is genuine, but you will never truly know unless you do.
I realize that there are some people who leave negative comments about the people who post their intentions online and that there are some foreigners who think bad about some women who post here also. I’m not here to dwell on those negative people, but try and connect with someone who is positive and as honest as I am.
I don’t want to lose faith in the human race, no mater where we find ourselves in this world. Much of who we are and what we are, we can attribute to our parents and our birthplace and I believe most people in this world want the same things I do and that is someone to love, who loves them back, no matter where they are from and the chance to express that love in a way that is not only reciprocated but reinforced every day they’re together.
I don’t say these things to make flowery conversation, but to express lightly the depth of my feelings about love. I believe that each of us has someone, somewhere in the world that is right for us and that we are right for them. Some of us are lucky enough to find that person in our own backyard and some of us are lucky enough to find that person somewhere in this world.
I believe that our Heavenly Father gives us the wisdom to understand this and the vision to see that someone, when the time is right for us to be together.
I know that not everyone who puts their personal posting here have true intentions, but have a hidden agenda and to those people, I ask, please go elsewhere, because my intentions are honorable and I don’t my heart played with and I wouldn’t want that for anyone else’s heart.
If, you are still reading my personal posting, I hope that you understand me. I don’t mean to offend, but merely tell you honestly what my intentions are and that is to find that one person who completes me.
I’m not here to waste your time and I wouldn’t want you to waste my time. I’m mature enough to know about love and what it means to be in love and reinforce that love every day. I have a fertile heart, but I am seeking just one seed to make my heart blossom again. If, you understand me and feel the same way too, then I would welcome a reply from you.
I am looking to unite with someone who wants to be with me, for all the days of my life and your life and hope that Our Heavenly Father, will give us a long union together.
I don’t have riches or fame, but I do have the wealth of loyalty and presence and I know that is not enough for some women, but then again, I’m not looking for women, I’m looking for one woman. One woman who knows herself enough to know what loyalty is and what love is and what it takes to keep love alive between two people.
I’m not a doctor or a lawyer, but I’ve studied both medicine and law and have worked in both and now I’ve retired to finding my other half. My life is simple and my search for a woman who wants to be in a relationship with someone who will love her back, is my occupation. It pays enough to sustain us both, but the benefits is what I seek. I want to share my life with you and only you. You know who you are and I know who I am and the only thing that we don’t know, is when we’ll be together?
Soon I hope, if your hopes are like my own. We can make your hopes come true and my hopes as real as you are. I’m waiting and I know this is what you’re waiting for too!
one-woman man,
Friday, August 20, 2010
Love Revealed, Love Abandoned
You know my parents didn't love each other. Both of them used to love someone else. And because of that, I was left with a sense of emptiness all of my life.
They stayed together for a little while, until they decided to get divorced and go their separate ways. I used to always say, I'll never get married, because I didn't want to fill the depth of a greater emptiness, if my wife ever left me.
I followed my heart one day and got married. And then one day I found out that my wife loved another. The depths of emptiness drowned me in darkness. A void that took my heart away.
I followed my heart and it lead me to the slaughterhouse of deceit. My heart fooled me and my emotions ran empty, leaving me a shell of a man. So, here I stand alone in a world of strangers, a skeleton of a person whose life once loved.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Corruption Is A Cancer
Corruption is a cancer and here is why I think that. I've just returned from abroad and something that struck me as particularly unusual with my return is the government agent who spoke with an accent making a rather aggressive insinuation that things would go smoothly if I pass him something. I don't know if I was shocked or just taken aback some 35 plus years when I first set foot in South East Asia as a young civilian.
Back when I was a young adult and I was traveling throughout the South East Asia region, the first time that I encountered corruption I didn't know how to react, so I did what everyone else around me did, and put some money in my hand and passed it off discreetly to the government official to smooth things along. It gave me flash backs to an earlier time when I experienced "greasing the palm" with a U.S. Port of Entry official. I didn't know how to react because it had taken me completely off guard. Are we so hard up now in America, that some of our government officials have to stoop to soliciting bribes from unsuspecting passengers returning home? I leave you with an excerpt from the Book of Curthom regarding his views on corruption.
"Corruption challenges the moral fiber of what's right and just. If, you allow it, tolerate it or simply do nothing, like cancer, corruption ravages the moral compass of the individual, groups, organizations, business and government, collectively, so what becomes of one's society, one's country and one's self?" Curthom
Back when I was a young adult and I was traveling throughout the South East Asia region, the first time that I encountered corruption I didn't know how to react, so I did what everyone else around me did, and put some money in my hand and passed it off discreetly to the government official to smooth things along. It gave me flash backs to an earlier time when I experienced "greasing the palm" with a U.S. Port of Entry official. I didn't know how to react because it had taken me completely off guard. Are we so hard up now in America, that some of our government officials have to stoop to soliciting bribes from unsuspecting passengers returning home? I leave you with an excerpt from the Book of Curthom regarding his views on corruption.
"Corruption challenges the moral fiber of what's right and just. If, you allow it, tolerate it or simply do nothing, like cancer, corruption ravages the moral compass of the individual, groups, organizations, business and government, collectively, so what becomes of one's society, one's country and one's self?" Curthom
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Cancer & Alternative Cancer Treatment
Well, I'm back from Thailand and I must say, if I weren't so sick from the long flight on Cathay Pacific coming home, I would rejoice that I am making progress against Thyroid Cancer and Adrenal Cancer. Two days after I got home, I learned that another member in my squad during the period of the Vietnam War has passed away after a long and painful struggle with Agent Orange-related cancers.
When you have no other choice but to persist and hope to live long enough to take advantages of any medical advances, time seems to linger when you're going through chemotherapy and radiation medicine. Seeking out Alternative Cancer Treatment was an expensive option for me, since getting medical insurance is a pipe dream once you've been diagnosed with cancer.
I finished reading The Book of Curthom, which gave me encouragement and insights into my own mortality and I leave you before the holiday tomorrow with an excerpt to ponder:
"Cancer is the greatest battle humankind has ever faced. It comes. It stays. It ravages the innocent and convicts the guilty. Cancer is the God of all diseases and time is its judge. " Curthom
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Thyroid Cancer & The Reality
Thyroid Cancer sneak up on me one day, to be be exact, follicular thyroid cancer. Even as I go through the maze of thyroid cancer treatment, the only thing on my mind is a vain attempt to write down the numerous poems that were born of struggle, suffering, pain and of living a life well-deserved. Once upon a time I had a bucket list and I have since emptied it with the task of completing everyting on its list and now a new bucket list is in order.
No one can tell me definitively the outcome of the thyroid cancer treatment that I am currently laboring through and even thought at times it is an excruciating experience, the reality of not knowing the outcome gives me pause and I find that when I put pen to paper, my life unfolds in the form of words. Let me share with you these words inspired by the chemical highs and lows of consciousness and unconsciousness.
"Our days on this Earth are numbered. The days you walk on this planet have a definite time and place and measured with the satisfaction only you can define. Walk, knowing that you can run, but take each step with someone you love dearly.
Cancer, no matter what type, flavor or form, is the greatest battle humankind has ever faced. It comes. It stays. It ravages the innocent and inhabits the guilty. Cancer is the god of all diseases, even when there is no belief and time is its judge." Excerpts from the Book of Curthom.
I leave you with pause until the next time when the fingers glance the keyboard yet again, Shalom.
No one can tell me definitively the outcome of the thyroid cancer treatment that I am currently laboring through and even thought at times it is an excruciating experience, the reality of not knowing the outcome gives me pause and I find that when I put pen to paper, my life unfolds in the form of words. Let me share with you these words inspired by the chemical highs and lows of consciousness and unconsciousness.
"Our days on this Earth are numbered. The days you walk on this planet have a definite time and place and measured with the satisfaction only you can define. Walk, knowing that you can run, but take each step with someone you love dearly.
Cancer, no matter what type, flavor or form, is the greatest battle humankind has ever faced. It comes. It stays. It ravages the innocent and inhabits the guilty. Cancer is the god of all diseases, even when there is no belief and time is its judge." Excerpts from the Book of Curthom.
I leave you with pause until the next time when the fingers glance the keyboard yet again, Shalom.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Love's Reciprocity

Have you ever loved someone so deeply that you drowned in your own fascination with the person who possessed your heart? Looking back in hindsight, it's amazing how the person you feel so much for, cares very little for you. Are you just another person's option, when you want to be more than just that? Putting the person you feel so much for up on a pedestal is the threshold to putting distance between you and that person. In time, your praise and adoration will leave you stranded, trying to touch the person you've elevated to such a status, that even to you, they have become untouchable.
In time, you will have to quench your thirst for this person you feel so much for, because they will leave you dehydrated of love. Love is not love, unless it is reciprocal. Without reciprocity, love is just an obsession that becomes overwhelmingly hurtful to the person who is starving for it. You can lose yourself and everything you believe in for the sake of another and what good are you to anyone, once you're lost in place? Love that is not fostered, is a bleeding love, that can you leave you a shell of a person. If, love is to exist and persist in a relationship, it has to be reciprocal, otherwise, whose fooling who? I leave you a short quote about love, that is born out of loving someone more than I once loved myself...
"To Quench the illusions of a love once had, cottonmouth becomes the drink of choice." Excerpt from The Book of Curthom.
bleeding love,
i love,
love quotes,
quotes about love
Saturday, May 01, 2010
How You Blink, Determines Your View of A Situation
How you blink determines your view of a situation. While at first this just seems like an unreasonable assumption that blinking would have anything at all to do with a situation, but when you pause for a moment and think about it, blinking determines exactly how you are most likely to grasp a situation, no matter what the situation.
Most of us associate blinking with our eyes ability to keep dust and any other wind-swept debris coming towards our eyes, but blinking is also necessary for keeping our ability to see things more clearly. If, we take it for granted like most of us do, we generally completely miss the importance of blinking, just as we do breathing. It occurs without effort, so we don't place a lot of thought on it, until something hampers its efficiency.
The ability and willingness for each of us to consider for a moment during our quiet moments, just exactly what it is we are try to see clearly, goes a long ways towards our understanding of a situation. So, take some time out of each period of your day to reflect and give pause to beauty that comes when you actually understand what you see and feel. Here is a quote from the noted Internationalist and Philosophical Poet, Curthom. Enjoy and until, the fingers meet the keyboard once again, best wishes.
"Each time you blink, your eyes come yet closer to another opportunity to choose how others will see you. Blink too slow and your life stands still. Blink too fast and your life passes you by right before your eyes. Open your eyes and stare at the possibilities." Excerpt from the Book of Curthom.
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