Friday, May 07, 2010

Love's Reciprocity

Have you ever loved someone so deeply that you drowned in your own fascination with the person who possessed your heart?  Looking back in hindsight, it's amazing how the person you feel so much for, cares very little for you.  Are you just another person's option, when you want to be more than just that?  Putting the person you feel so much for up on a pedestal is the threshold to putting distance between you and that person.  In time, your praise and adoration will leave you stranded, trying to touch the person you've elevated to such a status, that even to you, they have become untouchable.

In time, you will have to quench your thirst for this person you feel so much for, because they will leave you dehydrated of love.  Love is not love, unless it is reciprocal.  Without reciprocity, love is just an obsession that becomes overwhelmingly hurtful to the person who is starving for it.  You can lose yourself and everything you believe in for the sake of another and what good are you to anyone, once you're lost in place?  Love that is not fostered, is a bleeding love, that can you leave you a shell  of a person.  If, love is to exist and persist in a relationship, it has to be reciprocal, otherwise, whose fooling who?  I leave you a short quote about love,  that is born out of loving someone more than I once loved myself...

 "To Quench the illusions of a love once had, cottonmouth becomes the drink of choice."  Excerpt from The Book of Curthom.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

How You Blink, Determines Your View of A Situation

How you blink determines your view of a situation.  While at first this just seems like an unreasonable assumption that blinking would have anything at all to do with a situation, but when you pause for a moment and think about it, blinking determines exactly how you are most likely to grasp a situation, no matter what the situation.

Most of us associate blinking with our eyes ability to keep dust and any other wind-swept debris coming towards our eyes, but blinking is also necessary for keeping our ability to see things more clearly.  If, we take it for granted like most of us do, we generally completely miss the importance of blinking, just as we do breathing.  It occurs without effort, so we don't place a lot of thought on it, until something hampers its efficiency.

The ability and willingness for each of us to consider for a moment during our quiet moments, just exactly what it is we are try to see clearly, goes a long ways towards our understanding of a situation.  So, take some time out of each period of your day to reflect and give pause to beauty that comes when you actually understand what you see and feel.  Here is a quote from the noted Internationalist and Philosophical Poet, Curthom.  Enjoy and until, the fingers meet the keyboard once again, best wishes.

"Each time you blink, your eyes come yet closer to another opportunity to choose how others will see you.  Blink too slow and your life stands still.  Blink too fast and your life passes you by right before your eyes.  Open your eyes and stare at the possibilities."  Excerpt from the Book of Curthom.

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