For a week or so, I have been so busy organizing
and reorganizing a business structure, that it
seems that my days and nights are blended together and if it wasn't for the sun rising, and the sun setting, I wouldn't even know what time of day it is or what day of the week or month it is.
I guess that the nature of an Internet business, your days and nights can sometimes become blended.
If, you spend a fair amount of time online, editing, designing, tweaking and other stuff to your website that after a while it can be all consuming. You step outside from your work area and you realize that you can't remember the last time you went outside to get some fresh air. That's the nature of projects, where you are so focused that you even forget to return your mother's voicemail because you were busy troubleshooting some source code on a website and didn't want to lose your place in the line of code, so you promised yourself that you would call her back in a little while and then that little while becomes an hour and then a few hours and before you know it, a couple of days have gone by and you're still working on that website.
I stepped away from the project that I was working on to take a walk to the post office and pick up the mail, wow, I guess I should go to the post office more often, because the little mailbox was bulging with mail. I could barely pull it out of its small box and I'm sure some of the mail, fell back on the inside floor of the mail room, so I'll have to get that mail, when the post office reopens. The walk home from the post office was equally as interesting, because I forgot how many dogs are not on a lease in the neighborhood, so walking faster than usual felt good too!
It was too much mail to sort through, mostly magazines and colored brochures to attend this or that conference, and I had enough with being on the computer so much working on projects, so I decided to take a trip up North, and you know what? The most I remember about that trip up North, is dozing off to sleep as soon as the airplane reached its cruising altitude and this poem from Curthom. Enjoy until next time.
"You have to inhabit a reality, often found in the dreams that wake you from your sleep.
A dream where the vision is as narrowly understood as the stupor of sudden awakeness.
Within this blur of confusion, clarity is as instant as the epiphany that haunts the memory of the dream." by Curthom
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