Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Do You Know That Your Love Is True?

"You know you have found true love, when that one person occupies your every thought and when you are with them, nothing else around you exists but them. There is no room in your mind for someone else to interrupt who you are thinking about and there is no room in your heart for anyone else but that person.

True love is true, because it possesses all of you. Your heart, your mind and everything that you do. Your actions certify that what you have is real and those who know you, will speak of a glow that illuminates from you.

True love results from sacrifice without hesitation. You don't think twice about doing something for the one who has captured your heart, because to refuse, brings pain to you. True love is pain, but its pain is all suffocating and the depth of the pain is everlasting.

True love is a love within yourself that you lose yourself for when you share it with someone else. You no longer exist as a person. You become one with the person who inhabits your every thought. There is a longing that you can't explain when the one you feel so much for is absent, it is a void that is worse than death.

True love is true, because the truth doesn't need an explanation, its feelings run deeper than any sensation you've ever had and its actions remind you to be sure the other person feels the same way too. We all experience it at least once in our lives and even though we may not realize it, we sometimes walk away from it, not knowing it and spend the rest of our lifetimes seeking it"

From the readings of Curthom

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